Activate Your PubNub Account
Thanks for signing up! Get started using PubNub with these 3 easy steps.
Welcome to PubNub
1. Get Your Keys
You will need your PubNub publish and subscribe keys in order to send and receive messages in the network. You can manage these keys and create additional sets through our Admin Dashboard.
2. Start Coding
With only a few lines of code, you can start sending and receiving realtime data within your app. To begin, check out our tutorials. We support 70+ SDKs, so you can start coding in your favorite language or platform.
3. Add Realtime Services
PubNub not only allows you to send and receive messages at a blink of the eye, but also allows you to see who is online, store and replay missed messages, send push notifications, and much more. Learn more about all of the PubNub Features & Productsand give them a try by simply activating them through the Admin Dashboard.
As always, we are here to help you build your app and are very much interested in receiving your questions, suggestions, and comments.
Contact us anytime at [email removed] [email removed] or fill out our contact us form.
2016 PubNub. All rights reserved.
725 Folsom Street, San Francisco, California, USA.
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