Welcome to PagerDuty!

Hi there!

I saw that you recently signed up for a14-day trial of PagerDuty in
addition to our live demo! Wanted to personally reach out and introduce
myself as your resource and point of contact. I know that evaluating a new
product can potentially be overwhelming and leave you with a lot of
questions. If there’s anything I can do to make your trial experience
better, please let me know!

I’d love to learn about your use case and see how I can best assist you. Do
you have 5 minutes sometime this week?

Looking forward to partnering with you,

*Lizzy McNaney*
[email removed]
[number removed]*

*calendly.com/lizzyatpd *

*If we didn’t get PagerDuty alerts, we wouldn’t have a business. – Airbnb*

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