Welcome to Pantheon

Hey Jon,

Looks like you’ve just joined Pantheon! I’m Zack Rosen, Co-Founder and CEO, and I wanted to reach out and welcome you to our platform.

We’re passionate about helping developers build, launch, and run websites in the fastest, most innovative way possible. From what we’ve seen, developers find the most success on Pantheon by getting started with our weekly live training. It’s a chance to spend time with our customer success team and other users to learn best practices from day one.

WATCH THE TUTORIAL [[https://pantheon.io/essential-training]]

Once you’re a team member on a site, you can log in here and do a tour of the platform. http://ntheon.io/NS00JGwk0004IKV0Yee0K1d

Hope you enjoy using Pantheon!

P.S. If you haven’t heard, we recently announced our biggest release of the year: ALL sites on Pantheon now come with New Relic APM Pro for free. We’re excited to bring the best monitoring tools available to all our users at no additional cost. Learn about it here http://ntheon.io/NS00QGwk0007INV0bee0K1d.

Zack Rosen
Co-Founder & CEO

717 California Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108
2016 Pantheon. All rights reserved.


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Create your first site on Pantheon

Hey Jon,

The first step to getting the most out of Pantheon is to start building a site! You can spin one up in a few minutes by selecting a start state from your dashboard or migrate an existing WordPress or Drupal site.

CREATE OR MIGRATE A SITE: http://ntheon.io/hdI5meS00G000wk8e010V0K

Don’t worry about deciding which project to start on. You get three free development sites, and you can toss them out and begin again whenever you like.

For more information on creating and migrating sites, check out our documentation:

– How to Create a Site: http://ntheon.io/jw1S051dG00eK0IeVkn0800
– How to Migrate a Site: http://ntheon.io/z0wK1kd000eSeo85GI20V00

Let me know if you’re not sure how to get going, or have any questions about setting up your project on the platform.

Josh Koenig
Co-Founder / Head of Developer Experience

717 California Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108
2015 Pantheon. All rights reserved.


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RE: Create your first site on Pantheon

Hey Jon,

Once you start building sites on Pantheon, you’ll really get why developers are embracing the platform. Just start in your dashboard and select a start state: http://ntheon.io/f00ak0d0Kf005S1wGeVVI0e. Or, you can import an existing site from somewhere else. You get three sandbox sites to start with, so feel free to start one and import a site you have running elsewhere. Remember, you can always delete a site if you change your mind.

For more information on creating and migrating sites, check out our documentation:

– How to Create a Site: http://ntheon.io/f00ak0d0Kf005S1wGeVVI0e
– How to Migrate a Site: http://ntheon.io/y5aGKwIe0k0dVSg0eW00010

As always, please get in touch if you have any questions!

Josh Koenig
Co-Founder / Head of Developer Experience

717 California Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108
2015 Pantheon. All rights reserved.


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PHP 7 Now Available on Pantheon

Speed Up Your Site

PHP 7 now available for all sites on Pantheon


We’re excited to announce that PHP 7 is now available on the platform for all sites (except Drupal 6). The new version should offer a significant increase in site speed.

As part of the release, we’re also changing the way PHP version is managed. Starting now, PHP version can be enabled through the pantheon.yml file. This means that it’s now managed with version control, so you can keep this important configuration setting consistent across environments. Read more about the new version on our blog.

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717 California Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108

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2016 Pantheon. All rights reserved.

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[Last Chance to Register] Why Your Site Is Slow: Performance Answers for Your Clients

Performance Answers for Your Clients

Why Your Site is Slow

Speed is a feature many clients assume they will get but do not always ask for. In fact, you are more likely to hear your clients ask for features or functionality that will make the site slower. Then, right before launch, clients will ask why is this site so slow?۝

Join Steve Persch of Pantheon and Marc Drummond of Lullabot for a webinar on August 25th discussing the real-world problems that lead to slow websites and how to solve them.

What you’ll learn:

– Profiling / Monitoring / Budgeting: We will cover tools of the trade that provide metrics to inform performance work.
– Architecture: Find out how to compose your infrastructure and your code in ways that optimize performance.
– Front-end performance: Most of the time spent waiting for a website to load happens in the browser. We’ll focus on client-side improvements.
– Root causes: Do you have three sets of stakeholders each wanting to load their own analytics tracking tools? If so, you will have a difficult time optimizing your JavaScript.

Date: Thursday, August 25
Time: 10:00am – 11:00am PT | 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET
For: Developers


Steve Persch, Agency and Community Engineer, Pantheon
Marc Drummond, Frontend Developer, Lullabot

Register at

717 California Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108FOLLOW US:


2016 Pantheon. All rights reserved.

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A little help from your friends

Hey Jon,

We thought you might be interested in watching our Pantheon Essential Training series to see what you can do on our platform. Pantheon makes it really easy to get started with website development, by allowing you to create your first site with a single button.

WATCH NOW: [[https://pantheon.io/essential-training]]

Josh Koenig
Co-Founder / Head of Developer Experience

717 California Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108
2015 Pantheon. All rights reserved.

Visit our website: http://ntheon.io/Xkd0IwS0e000VaeKw015GQ0
Facebook: http://ntheon.io/hdI5ReS00G000wkae010VxK
Twitter: http://ntheon.io/G5S0Va10KteNG0kd0000Iew
LinkedIn: http://ntheon.io/f00ak0d0KS005S1wGeVyI0e
Google+: http://ntheon.io/O0a0IewV0100eGdT0z0k5KS

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