[Reminder] Finish setup to get the most out of New Relic APM

Hi there,

We know you have a lot on your plate. We just wanted to remind you that you have one more step to complete in order to get started with New Relic APM.

In just 15 minutes, you’ll have immediate, code-level visibility into your app. Access to New Relic is yours for eternity at no costand you get Pro-level access for 14 days free!

Complete Setup

  • Not production-ready? You can deploy New Relic to a development or staging environment too.
  • Not the one who deploys in your environment? We can provide access to the right person
  • Interested in using a different New Relic product? Click here see deploy instructions for one of our other products instead.

Have problems or questions? Find answers

And if you still don’t have everything you need to deploy New Relic APM, please let us know posting in our forum, where you can get help from our support team and user community.

Thanks again,

Your friends at New Relic

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