Zenefits demo for Vodafone
Hi Jon!
Just got your demo request. I’d be happy to set up a call with an advisor who can run you through a live demo of Zenefits and answer any questions you have around payroll, benefits, HR and our platform.
Let me know what day/time works for you and the best number to reach you at and I’ll send out an invite for a quick 20-30 minute demo.
Also, so that the
advisor can better tailor the call, would you mind answering the ?’s below:
– Do you have payroll? If so, with whom?
– Do you offer group health insurance? If not, when do you plan on offering insurance benefits?
– Any specific challenges you’re facing today?
– How many full-time employees do you have?
Look forward to talking!
The Zenefits Team
Bryan Beard / [number removed] / ZENEFITS / www.zenefits.com
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