Following up with Vodafone

Hey ​Jon,

I’ve tried to contact you a few times about streamlining your business processes but haven’t heard back.

I’m assuming this is either because you’re not interested in the product or you’re so backed up you just don’t have the time to respond (more of a reason you need processes in your life!).

Either way, this is the last email I’ll be personally sending you.

If you need help getting setup in the future, you can always reply to any of these emails or contact [email removed]

You can learn more about Process Street at our help site:

We’ll continue to send you helpful tips on how to use Process Street via our email marketing software, which you can unsubscribe from at anytime.

I wish you all the best in your business endeavors.


CEO | Process Street
+1 [number removed]

P.S. You can still book your free consultation at anytime using this link:

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