Early Bird price ending for Pulse Europe
Early Bird prices expire in 3 weeks
Drop what you’re doing and register right now
30 Nov – 1 Dec | London
We know how it goes. You get an email reminding you about the lowest possible price on the biggest Customer Success event in all of Europe. You’re busy. You think to yourself, I’ll sign up later. Then BAM. Time runs out. Why not register now? It only takes a minute.
Register Now and Save 100
Since you only have three weeks left on Early Bird pricing, we thought we’d give you the best three reasons to attend Pulse Europe 30 November – 1 December.
It’s the biggest SaaS event in EMEA
You already knew Pulse Europe would be the largest Customer Success conference outside of the Bay Area. But did you know it would be the marquee event in SaaS in EMEA this year? If you’re in subscription software, you can’t afford to miss it.
It’s in the heart of downtown London
We’re committed to making Pulse Europe as accessible as possible. That’s why we booked it in London. We’re also dedicated to making it as valuable and memorable as possible. That’s why we booked it in the state-of-the-art QEII Centre – a stone’s throw from Big Ben.
It’s the greatest value in business
As spectacular as Pulse Europe will be, it’s not a holiday. You and your team need to know that it’s worth the investment. That’s why we’ve scheduled the greatest minds in Customer Success and the top leaders in EMEA to speak on cutting-edge topics. And don’t forget about CSU Live! Pulse Europe will set the tone for your biggest year ever.
Register Now for Pulse Europe 2016
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