Welcome to DocuSign

Welcome to your DocuSign trial!

Our goal is to make your experience a success. We’ll be sending you a short series of emails throughout the course of your trial with helpful tips.

We think our customers’ “a ha” moment happens with DocuSign when they send their first document out for signature. Watch this 2-minute video to learn the ropes on sending.

Set up document templates for a new life hack. Once you’ve set up templates, you can send out your frequently used documents over and over again without any set up.

DocuSign is also great for returning documents that have been sent to you. Learn how to sign and return documents sent to you as an email attachment, for example.

Happy DocuSigning!


www.docusign.com | [email removed] [email removed]

221 Main Street, Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105
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