Wednesday’s webinar: AWS cost allocation

AWS cost allocation: Best practices and what to avoid
Date: Wednesday, August 24
Time: 11:00 am PT / 2:00 pm ET

Register for the webinar:

Proper AWS cost allocation allows you to find the value and waste in your AWS spending. In this webinar, you’ll learn the right strategies and tools to segment, report and control your company’s AWS costs across multiple applications, departments, environments, teams, and at the AWS resource level. Topics include:

– Understanding AWS spending via tagging and linked accounts
– Customizing and automating cost allocation reports
– Using resource-level analytics to identify cost drivers
– Improving spend visualization by identifying and eliminating
untagged resources

We’ll also field your questions about cost allocation best practices and strategies at the end of the session.

Register now:


718 SW Alder St.
Portland, OR 97205


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