Your Blackboard Collaborate trial account is ready!
Your personal Collaborate trial account has been set-up. Host a collaborative web conference today!
Dear Jon,
Welcome to your 30-day free trial of Blackboard Collaborate with the Ultra experience! With just one click you’ll be ready to discover a modern and high-definition web conferencing solution:
Try Collaborate as a moderator:
Moderators have full control over all the features and settings within Collaborate. Use this link to have an instructor or presenter experience.
Share the access link for participants:
Guest participants have limited access to features within Collaborate. Share this link with your colleagues to start a meeting today!
Thirty days goes by fast so be sure to make the most of your trial. We’ll send you some tips and ideas along the way.
Looking for help? Visit our Collaborate help portal where you can browse our repository by user type for more insight.
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