Get Started With AppDynamics

Continue your journey to better application performance


It’s easy to put off using a new piece of software. We get that. But, there was a reason you signed up for our pro trial. AppDynamics APM gives you the complete end-to-end visibility you need to optimize your application performance. And it really is a snap to set up.Ready to try? Here’s the first step:

Get started

Or you can always watch the Intro to APM video.

What’s next? Install your agents and start monitoring! We’ll walk you through it.

Want to learn more?

Contact your account manager at [email removed] Find short how-to videos on every aspect of AppDynamics monitoring and analytics products:

Go to AppDynamics Learning Bytes

AppDynamics: 303 2nd Street, 8th Floor, North Tower, San Francisco, CA, 94107.

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